婚約破棄の手続きはお済みですか? 第二の人生を謳歌しようと思ったら、 ギルドを立て直すことになりました。

Konyaku Haki No Tetsuzuki Wa Osumi Desu Ka? - Daini No Jinsei Wo Ouka Shiyou To Omottara, Guild Wo Tatenaosu Koto Ni Narimashita.

Her fiancé, Claude Reig, abruptly called off their engagement. However, Patricia succeeds in winning a large amount of compensation from Claude and succeeds in breaking off the engagement.She remembered the memories of her previous life, when she was called "Iron Chief" in her company. After leaving her hometown, Patricia found a new job at the "Raid Mercenaries Guild." But just as she was about to open the door, she heard a loud male yell..?

婚約破棄の手続きはお済みですか? 第二の人生を謳歌しようと思ったら、 ギルドを立て直すことになりました。
最終更新日時2025-03-06 11:41:40

  • 婚約破棄の手続きはお済みですか? 第二の人生を謳歌しようと思ったら、 ギルドを立て直すことになりました。 raw